Rob & Lauren: Wedding
“Love does not mean a flirtation or a pursuit for simple ego-pleasure, but a visible bond composed of the psychic sinew of endurance, a union which prevails through bounty and austerity, through the most complicated and most simple days and nights. The union of two beings is seen as “angakok” or magic itself. A relationship through which “the powers that be” become known to both individuals.”
Lauren and Rob actually met way back in 1999 upon entering middle school. They both had massive crushes on each other, and depending on who you ask, allegedly the other was not interested. They never really hung out in the same social circles but had many mutual friends (many of which were at the wedding!).
Including high school, they went about 12 years without seeing each other. Until Rob when planning a business trip (Rob was living in Miami) knew that Lauren lived in LA and messaged her on Twitter to see if she wanted to hang out while he was in town. She had always been on his radar.
She was able to hang out, they had a really fun night with friends, and 6 months later Rob moved to LA to be closer to her.
Rob and Lauren were married at Basking Ridge Country Club and they wrote their own vows. Rob said in his vows that if you are an acquaintance of Lauren DelGiudice, even a small one, you will absolutely feel like the most important person in her life each time you talk to her. That her presence allows everyone around her to let their shoulders down and laugh.
Lauren even fed me pasta
and it was the first time I was introduced during the speeches at a wedding and given a round of applause :)