Madeline & Sal : Joliet Wedding


Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.- Gerard Way

Madeline and Sal were married in Joliet at the Old Central Church.

Madeline was a knock out but one of my favorite things about her dress was that she had a piece of her grandmothers wedding dress made into a heart and sewn into her dress.

Sal and Madeline at one point during the reception had the entire dance floor singing My Chemical Romance and my inner emo kid heart melted and I was so grateful I found my people.

I photographed their wedding with mostly natural light with the exception of one flash. I love the Jacob Henry mansion and the victorian details. I always see the tones and natural light way more interesting than artificial light. I read once that Stanley Kubrick filmed “Eyes Wide Shut” in entirely natural light and I think of that often when I come into spaces where the ambiance of the light tells its own story.

I am so grateful for Sal and Madeline who trusted me after booking me during the pandemic with no idea what would unfold in the year after your engagement photos.
it was a joyous and cathartic moment to sing “I’m not Okay” at the top of our lungs on the dance floor together.

Your love for each other, come what may, is beautiful and inspiring.
Thank you for letting me celebrate with you and your family.

Alicia Diamond